After Care

After Care at GTD Sports TherapyMedical Acupuncture

The 24 hours following each acupuncture session can be as influential as the treatment itself. By resting, applying heat packs, and engaging in healthy practices, you can enhance results while avoiding the reintroduction of harmful toxins into the body. This will leave you with a greater sense of mental clarity, as well as improved physical vitality.

Follow these 6 simple steps:

• Relax
Rest and relaxation are essential following acupuncture. A period of rest will enhance the physical and emotional restoration process that begins during each acupuncture session.

• Stay Hydrated
Some people often can feel a little light-headed after a treatment. This is normal as it is the result of the endorphins released during the treatment. Drink two or three extra glasses of water following the session to allow for any toxins to be flushed out.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

• Eat Healthy
Fast food and processed snacks act as drugs, especially if they are high in sugar. Replace processed foods with fruits, vegetables, and healthy sources of protein.

• Avoid Ice and Cold Treatments
Not only does cold halt progress, it can actually cause further pain. Instead, pain relief should be brought about via the careful application of heat packs.

• Massage
Massage is perfectly acceptable after acupuncture, and in some cases, can actually enhance benefits by promoting a calm, rested state. Post-acupuncture massage is particularly beneficial for those who seek assistance with muscle pain and trigger points.

• Be Patient
Many people find it very difficult to wait it out before feeling the full benefits of acupuncture. Some even become frustrated, when the areas treated through acupuncture seem to feel worse before they get better – but they do get better!

Sports Massage

During massage treatments toxins are expelled from the tissues and the body systems are stimulated to eliminate waste more efficiently. Therefore, please do not be alarmed if you experience some after effects – this is normal and a positive sign that your body is responding and starting to balance itself.

The best way to combat any after effects:

• Drink plenty of water to re-hydrate the body and flush out the toxins that have been released
• Avoid alcohol & caffeine for at least 12 hours after the treatment
• Eat small meals to help with the healing process (over the next 12 hrs)
• Avoid smoking for 24 hours as it will introduce toxins back into the body
• Avoid strenuous activity for the next 24 hrs
• Rest and relax to allow the body to heal and settle


Underlying tissues are drawn up inside cups placed upon the skin. This is achieved by the creation of a partial vacuum, established via heat or suction. By leaving cups on the skin in the same place for several minutes, blood is drawn to this area to promote localised healing. The use of cups, can leave marks on the skin which normally disappear within 24-48 hours depending on the healing process.

Following treatment:

• Do not scratch or itch the skin at the treatment site.
• Apply coconut oil to any skin irritation to help with the healing process.
• Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours
• Drink plenty of water, eat raw fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed and packaged foods.

Tecar Therapy

There are no real side effects, TECAR therapy is innocuous to the human body and very pleasant.

However, some clients with very sensitive skin or when very high temperatures are reached, can experience some transient redness and or tingling in the skin.

Drink plenty of water.


Information on this site is provided for information purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. As a non-medical practitioner, if you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.